Natural Breast Growth Progress Report #8: Boobinha A from Belgium (before/after photos!)
In the Natural Breast Growth Progress Report series, I will share the breast growth progress, efforts, and sometimes hardships of those who have committed themselves to modify and improve their lifestyles and dietary habits for natural breast growth.
Boobinha A is a 43-year-old registered nutritionist from Belgium. Here is the breast growth journey she took from age 40 to 42.
1. How did the breast growth journey feel for you so far?
I started last year around august 2020 when I realised my bust didn't look like before. I used to have a bigger bust in my twenties, but a lot of that disappeared during my thirties. I already realised that 15+ years of vegetarianism wasn't as healthy for my body as I thought it to be before. So I already went off vegetarianism somewhere around 2015, but I didn't watch my protein intake back then, so I remained very skinny (even underweight, but skinny fat) until I began to search the internet and that's how I found your site. It was very encouraging to read the blog posts because I realised that my bad eating habits could have contributed to the loss of breast tissue because of a constant lack of protein in my diet. What I think is so great about your approach, is that it is not only good for your breasts but for your overall health too. And that is the most encouraging part about it: that overall health and energy improves by doing this.
“ overall health and my body composition changed a lot in a positive way by doing that.”
2. How would you describe your commitment to growing your breasts?
I watch my protein intake very closely. The biggest encouragement here is not that it will help to grow my breasts, but that my overall health and my body composition changed a lot in a positive way by doing that. Also my energy levels are much better when I eat enough protein. I recently started massaging again after months of not doing it anymore and I am curious if that will bring further change.
The picture of May 2021 is without massaging (I stopped massaging in February), just watching protein intake and eating well. I didn't gain extra volume, but what I gained stayed, even without massaging.
3. How often did you massage your breasts?
The first three months I massaged religiously mornings and evenings for 5 minutes. After that I stopped massaging altogether until I recently picked up the routine again.
4. What were some difficulties/challenges you faced during this time?
I didn't think it was difficult, as the massages didn't take a lot of time (5 minutes morning and evening is very doable, it doesn't have to take longer than that, is my impression). Also: I was already convinced about the importance of protein for overall health, so also that part was not difficult at all for me.
5. Which areas of your lifestyle/eating habits do you feel that you have improved?
Eating habits and exercise have improved.
6. How have your breasts changed over the course of time?
I started in august 2020 wearing a size 34B (which was obviously the wrong size as you can see in the picture. I think 32B would have been more accurate). What I also discovered during this journey was that the right bra size does a lot for your breast shape. I always was wearing a wrong band size, as I have a tiny frame. I found a bra calculator on which you had to measure your bust standing, bending and lying and was really surprised as I discovered that my band size actually is 30. A lot of brands don't carry that size, so when I shop with a big brand right now, I buy size 32D. When I buy in specialized lingerie shops, my accurate size right now is 30E (in Belgium this equals to 65F). Also: my breasts are a lot firmer than they used to be, and that's a real surprise too in my early forties. :-) I use daisy oil to massage, as that is what they use in France to firm the breast tissue. It makes the tissue really nice and firm.
8. Were things as expected or not at all? In what ways?
The first three months were a bit discouraging, as I couldn't see a lot of change while massaging morning and evening. And then all of a sudden my boyfriend noticed a change. And me too. So don't be discouraged if you don't see any change right away. If you continue, it will happen.
Boobinha A from Belgium is the first one in my blog to successfully grow her breasts naturally in her 40s. This should bring a lot of hope and excitement for many of you out there, as one of the most common questions I get asked is: I’m in my 20s (or 30s), can I still grow my breasts?
Though I am personally taking a break from “unsagging” my boobs due to breastfeeding my second child now, I’m looking forward to plumping them back up, even in my 40s! I’m also super ecstatic that my natural breast enhancement regimen got a seal of approval for being good for our overall health and energy boost by a registered nutritionist!!!
Thank you for sharing your success story with us, Boobinha A! We’ll wait for more positive updates in the future from you. :)