Natural Breast Growth Progress Report #11: Boobinha J from the US (before/after photos!)
Natural breast enhancement success story before and after photos in the 20s with increased protein and daily breast massage
In the Natural Breast Growth Progress Report series, I will share the breast growth progress, efforts, and sometimes hardships of those who have committed themselves to modify and improve their lifestyles and dietary habits for natural breast growth.
Boobinha J’s natural breast enlargement success story is another and last one (following Boobinha S’ Progress Report #10) that I originally only shared on my Instagram because I was trying out a different method of sharing the success stories at the time.
One of the most frequently asked questions is, “How long does it take to increase by a cup size?” Boobinha J’s success story is notable for how much progress she made in such a short time. She gained 2.5 inches (2.5 bra cup sizes) in mere 3 months!
It is easier and faster to make progress in breast size when you are starting from a bigger size rather than from a very small size. This is because if you’re starting from a bigger size, the chances are, you already have a decently nutritious diet and are already leading a healthier lifestyle, so the changes you have to make are smaller.
The most important thing to point out in her case is that she was already consuming 50-60g of protein and doing 4-5 times a week of strength exercises. From there, she aimed for 70-80g of protein.
Those protein numbers may mean nothing to you, but I emphasize protein as a big contributor to my natural breast growth regimen. If you have never counted your daily protein intake, most of you will be surprised by how little protein you are consuming. It is noteworthy to mention that there is a minimum daily protein intake recommendation through Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA), which is 0.8 grams of protein multiplied by your weight in kilograms for a sedentary adult. This minimum is just a number to keep your body from getting sick. If you’re exercising or trying to build muscles (or in our case, increase breast size!), you will need to consume much more.
Without enough daily protein, your breasts will only grow a little, if at all, despite spending time on the daily breast massage.
Just because the changes Boobinha J had to make may seem much smaller than you may have to make, it does not mean that she had an easy time growing her breasts naturally. She dedicated her time and put her efforts into knowing and understanding what she was eating, and massaging her breasts 1-2 times almost every day while keeping up with her exercises. These are not easy things to do!!!
Please read her inspirational story below by scrolling to the right. Thank you so much for sharing your story with us, Boobinha J!