Yumi’s Pantry #3: Roasted Chickpeas for Natural Breast Enlargement
Food items that increase breast size naturally
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In the Yumi's Pantry series, I talk about natural breast enhancement foods and recipes I personally found helpful for growing and maintaining beautiful breasts. The occasional healthy snacks and junk foods are also a must to keep me happy during my breast growth journey!
Today, I want to share a vegetarian/vegan recipe of roasted chickpeas packed with protein to help with your natural breast growth. Chickpeas are a great source of plant-based protein, being just shy of 15g per cup (cooked). This is roughly 19% of the minimum daily protein intake I recommend to start growing your breasts.
Food Items that Increase Breast Size Naturally
Seasoning spice ideas:
Chili powder, curry powder, shwarma seasoning, za’atar seasoning, cayenne pepper, garlic salt, smoked paprika, onion powder, dried dill, dried parsley, cinnamon and sugar. You can mix and match these together as well!
How should I eat roasted chickpeas?
You can sprinkle them on top of salads, soups, or wraps, but the easiest way to consume enough to make a difference in your daily diet for natural breast growth would be to eat them as is.
Become the next success story:
How much roasted chickpeas do I need to eat to increase my breast size naturally?
As with my previous post on whether yogurt will grow your breasts naturally, the answer is “it depends.”
Will this be your primary source of protein for the day? Then you’ll need to eat at least about 5.5 cups. Or are you using it as a little booster to your daily protein intake? Then a handful to a cup for your enjoyment will suffice.
You may want to exercise portion control when consuming roasted chickpeas to keep a slender physique (or lose weight) while increasing your breast size. A cup of chickpeas has about 270 calories, which isn’t too bad, but the amount of oil you “drizzle” could rack up if you aren’t careful (there are about 120 calories per tablespoon).
Lastly, as with anything and everything, I believe in moderation and happiness in life. This also goes for eating as well.
Even if you can gobble down those 5.5 cups of roasted chickpeas every day to start your breast growth journey, I would like to gently suggest that you make this a healthy and delicious addition to your daily diet and not the core of your breast growth food journey that takes the excitement out of your mealtimes.